Attack Madness in Coin Master - Event Tricks and Rewards list


Attack Madness is one of the most famous events of Coin Master. In this event, you have to attack other people's villages. The more you attack, the more rewards you get. And yes, it doesn't matter if someone else's village building is broken or not while attacking in this event. But you have to try to get more attacks.

Because the more you attack, the more prizes you can win. And honorably, if you play this event, you will need more spin. So play a little trick so you can win more prizes. We've shared the Powerful Tricks and Rewards list for Attack Madness here. And this will help you win.

How to Win Attack Madness

A lot of people ask me how to win Attack Madness. So let's start with the easiest method. Whenever you get an attack, you have to make your bet 10 or less and play 10 times. And if you don't get an attack in those 10 spins. So keep betting on the maximum bet, and play the maximum bet until you get the attack. 

This trick will require a few more spins so you can collect these Daily Coin master free spin and coin. See more Super Method to win.

Super Trick For This Event

You can use this method to beat this event. You will need a little more spin in this method as this super method is a bit more expensive. First of all, you have to spin 3 times on a 1x bet. And then you have to increase your bet by 10x and spin 7 times. And if you don't get an attack. So again, you have to increase your bet 25x and spin 15 times. Increase your bet this way, and keep spinning at maximum bet until you finally get an attack. And if you get an attack, repeat the process again from that point. Be careful not to waste your spin while using this trick. In this trick, you can make a few changes in your way. So that your spin is not wasted.

Coin Master Attack Madness New Rewards list 2020

Below we have provided a reward list of Coin Master Attack Madness. Here we have also given the rewards of all the events like Tiger Time, Lucky Charm's Rewards List, and New 2020 Updated Prizes.

Prizes list
Tiger Time
Event Prizes
50 Spins
5.5 M Coins
10 M Coins
Coming soon
150 Spins
28 M Coins
Coming soon
5k XP
65.5 Coins
350 Spins
10k XP
140M Coins
600 Spins
20k XP
210M Coins
1k Spins
25k XP
Coming Soon
1.2B Coins
3k Spins
3B Coins
8k Spins
300k XP
10K Spins
500k XP
Coming soon
12k Spins
10k Spins
Coming Soon
9.3B Coins

The trick for Attack Madness Lucky Charm

You can win this Attack Madness event by playing with patience. Often you are playing any event while people are always playing with maximum bet. So let me tell you, this is the wrong way to go, and all your spins will be wasted. Let's see the right way.

also read:- Coin Master raid madness tricks

First, you have to spin 5 times at a 1x bet. After preparation, keep on 10x bet and spin 13 times. If you get an attack, start again with a 1x bet. And if you don't get an attack, keep the bet at 20x and spin 8 more times. If you still don't get an attack, keep the bet at 40x and spin 10 times. This way, your spin will not be wasted, and you will also get a lot of attacks. This method will be very useful in winning the Attack Madness Lucky Charm event.

What trick do you use to play Attack Madness?

What is your best trick to play Attack Madness? Share that trick with us in the comments. So that other people can also use your trick to get its spin and other rewards from Attack Madness events.

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