Get Coin Master Gold Cards - New Tricks for Chest

If you want to get the Coin Master Gold Cards, then read this post to quickly get all your card and complete sets. How you can easily get your missing cards and new gold cards from the chest. Here are all the free tricks for you to get a golden card for Your Coin Master Game.

There are many ways to get these Gold Cards, such as Gold Trade Event, Viking, etc. But it is a little difficult for you to get your Gold Card. Because you can only get the cards mentioned in the Gold Trend event, and Viking is difficult to complete.


This is a good way to get all these cards from chats. But many rare gold cards cannot be obtained by straightforwardly buying chats. But if you use a few tricks in buying chests, you can easily get your card.

First, you will need a lot of coin master free spin and Coins Link to buy chats. So you have collected the coins first so that you will have no problem buying chats. Many people use such a trick to get this gold card. And using this tactic, they have easily obtained a gold card. So for you, I have provided all these tricks here to easily get Gold Cards.

It's a good idea to have a few tricks every time you buy chests. However, inside the village of Coin Master, gold cards and coin master rare cards are full. But only need to remove the coin master's cards from the inside using the correct trick. So let's see this trick.

Remember that when you do not go to a new village without completing the set of cards in the village. If you've used billions of coins to buy card chats, you can move to a new village. All the tricks are below.

New Coin Master tricks to get Gold Cards.

We heard the coin master trick for gold cards from a coin master's chest. And then, if we try the step-by-step trick according to the method, we get excellent results. The trick is pretty simple.

  1. First, you have to move to a new village.
  2. And then you spin an estimated 7 to 12 on a 1x bat in the slots machine.
  3. Don't buy new stars by upgrading your pet or buying a house in the village.
  4. Now buy the wooden chests until you get the last golden card.
  5. Once you get the last golden card, start buying the magic chest.


Then if you buy some magical chests, you should get a new gold card. If you do not get the cards, then buy a few more chests. You will definitely get a golden card.

Most popular tricks to get gold cards

Let's look at a popular trick to get gold cards in coin master. These methods are viral, and people are very used to them for getting their missing golden card.

first method

Whenever you move to a new village, all the village buildings have been updated with a single star. Now start buying chests. Keep buying until you get a new golden card in the chest.

Now, buy another star for all the buildings. And then buy the chests until you get another new gold card. And remember to buy all kinds of chests such as wooden chests, golden, and magical.

That way, keep repeating the process until you finish 5 stars of all the buildings in your village. And buy more than 100 million chests for a new gold card. And then buy a new star for your village building.

Second method

You will have to buy wooden chests in this method until the last card inside the chest is 3 stars. And after getting the last 3 Star Card, keep buying the Chests until you get the 5 Star Card in Golden Chest.

After getting a 5-star card in Golden Chest, buy Magic Chests until you get a new Gold Card. And if you get a new gold card, then repeat this method again in sequence.

Third method

This method is a bit expensive, but you will get good results. Let's look at this method.

You will need to buy 30 chests of each type, such as the first 30 wooden chests, 30 golden chests, and 30 magical chests. I'm sure you can get a new gold card for coin master by using this method.

Getting gold cards from the chest

Experienced players of this game use this trick to get new gold cards from the chests. This tactic is used a lot and also proves that it works well.

The trick is to buy the next chest by guessing the last card received from the chest. Let's look at how the method works.

also, check:-How do you get a Joker card in coin master

Buy a wooden chest if the last card is 1 or 2 stars, then rebuy a wooden chest. And if you get 3 or 4 stars on the last card, buy a golden chest. And if you get the last card of 5 stars, then buy a magical chest.


Let's understand this trick a little easier.

  • If you want the last card from any chest to be 1 or 2 stars, always buy a wooden chest,
  • If you receive a 3 or 4-star card, buy a Golden Chest,
  • And buy a magic chest if you get a 5-star card.

Keep repeating the procedure this way. You will receive a new gold card shortly.

Which trick do you love to get gold cards for Coin Master?

We have always used this technique, and it works very well. This last trick is a favorite trick. And which one of these tactics is your favorite? Tell us that trick. And if you have another trick and that works well for you, share that trick with us. We hope this post has helped you. Thank you.

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